Dear all, let me outline the Vishnu Yaga and its intricate details and benefits.
The yantra drawn for this smartha yaga is the central pentagram , encircled with a asta dala (8 leaflets ) , encircled followed by a shodasa dalas (16 leaflets) with bhupuras and their 4 entrances. This is a preliminary description and the intricate details on the terms mentioned should be learned from a competent guru.
Moola Mantra
Om Namo Narayanaya
Dhyana Shloka
Shaanthaakaram bhujagashayanam padmanaabham suresham
vishvaadhaaram gaganasadhrushaam meghavarnaam shubhangam
Lakshemekaantaam kamalayanayanam yogeebhridhyanagamyaam
Vande vishnum bhavabhayaharam sarva lokaikanaatham
(since this is a very common shloka, the meaning is available easily for the reader)
Om Naaraayanaanya vidmahe vasudevaaya dheemahi
tanno vishnuh prachodayaat
Swahakara Mantras
1. From vedas : Purusha Sukta in 10.90 of Rig Veda starting with Sahasrasheersa purusha ..... (but should mention the auxiliary rishi ( medhadikanwa ) , diety (vishnu) and chanda (gayatri ) along with narayana rishi : purusho devata: anustup chanda:)
2. From puranas : the 1008 names (vishnu shasra naamavali)
This yaga can be done in three most popular ways. Vishnu yaga, Maha Vishnu yaga and Ati Vishnu Yaga. the duration can be 5, 8,9 or 11 days. the number of oblations are 16,000 for vishnu yaga, 160,000 for maha vishnu yaga and 332,000 for ati vishnu yaaga. the number of fire pits depends on the number of priests who perform the offerings.
Ahuti Dravya
The yaga can have all the general ahuti dravyas used for other yagas with tulsi leaves as an added special offering.
This yaga is strictly connected with the time and day for conducting it. The months which this yaga is conducted is on Chaitra , phalguna , Jyeshtha , Magha. the tithi are the twelfth day of the waxing period of moon. full moon day , no moon day Samkranti , jhoolanotsva. this yaga is also conducted along with other purifying to pacifying samaskaras like upanayana , vivaha , griha pravesha etc.
generally first day of the waxing period to 5th day of the waning period of moon is acceptable too.
This is a shantipushtikarmani ( peace and prosperity karma). Vishnu, the supporter of creation is glorified and those who completely surrenders to vishnu attains the purusharthas ( dharma , artha , kama and moksha).
iti sri vishnu yaga vidhana samaptham ||